Youth19 - A Youth2000 Survey

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What would help young people who feel down? The voices of young people: Free Webinar, Sept 11

A warm invitation to a free webinar sharing what almost 2500 kura and secondary school students in the Youth19 survey suggested would help young people who have a hard time or feel bad. 

12–12.50pm, Monday 11 September ​

Presenters: Kylie Sutcliffe, Lovely Dizon, Professor Terryann Clark & Associate Professor Terry Fleming (The Adolescent Health Research Group) and Eden Grimwood​ (Whāraurau Youth Advisor)

No need to register, just save the date and click on this zoom link on the day (passcode 727407).

[If above link not working, join via or open Zoom and enter Meeting ID 834 3015 9778 and passcode 727407​]

We will draw on our new brief 'What would help young people who feel down? Voices of young people' , funded by Te Whatu Ora | Health Promotion and available here.