Te āniwaniwa takatāpui whānui: Te aronga taera mō ngā rangatahi | Sexual attraction and young people’s wellbeing in Youth19: Webinar & report launch, June 1

We are delighted to invite you to our webinar and the launch of our latest report: Te āniwaniwa takatāpui whānui: Te aronga taera mō ngā rangatahi | Sexual attraction and young people’s wellbeing in Youth19

  • Wed 1 June , 1pm–2.30pm

Including Youth19 presenters John Fenaughty, Terry Fleming, Alex Ker (InsideOut) & Tatyana King-Finau and invited panellist Logan Hamley (Ngāti Rangi).

Presenting summary findings from key domains of the Youth19 study, including: coming out; whānau and peer relationships; community & neighbourhood experiences; school experiences; sexual activity; violence; substance use; health, mental health and wellbeing; and access and quality of health services.

Note: A partner report and webinar on the experiences of trans, non-binary and gender-questioning participants is forthcoming.

Terry Fleming